Make a Donation
The Church of England offers a Christian presence in every community. Together we seek to make this Christian presence the heart of Heston village: by our wonderful building - St. Leonard’s Church; by worshipping together; by serving our community and by sharing our faith and values.
This valuable contribution to our community has a cost, of which 75% is met by personal donations.
For our Church to survive and grow, we rely on regular donations so that we can plan confidently for the future.
To make a donation either click on the below link to download a form or use the QR code to go to our Parish Giving page.
Thank you for your generosity.
Parish Giving Scheme: St Leonard’s, Heston
Planned Giving
A huge THANK YOU for your generosity to our church through giving financially. Your donations support the upkeep of our beautiful building and the development of our outreach work. There are several, very easy ways to donate:
- Via Direct Debit (forms are available from the back of the church)
- Via bank transfer (details are available from William, our Treasurer, or here)
- Via the collection plate
- Via our card reader, which is available at the back of church
If you are a UK taxpayer, we can claim Gift Aid on your donation, which is equivalent to an additional 25%! Please speak to William for more details