“For this God is our God forever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end. ”
Psalm 48: 14
The death of a loved one can be a difficult time when you will have to make many decisions. Arranging a funeral at a church or a crematorium is one area where we can help. Sometimes we are contacted directly to help arrange a funeral service and other times we will be asked by a funeral director. Either way, we will work with you to make sure that the service helps loved ones say goodbye, and celebrate the life of their departed loved one.
The costs of a church funeral are modest and are usually included in the overall funeral director’s charges. The cost of burial or cremation will be in addition to the church service. In some cases you can combine the crematorium service with the funeral, therefore having it at the crematorium. Or you can have a funeral service at the church and then commit the body to be buried or cremated either directly after the service or at a later date.
Clergy will do their utmost to support you and your family through arranging the service, choosing suitable hymns or readings. You do not need to have attended church regularly to request a church funeral, nor is it a requirement that the deceased was a member of the church. Everyone living in the Parish or with connections to the church can have a funeral or memorial service at St. Leonard’s.
Please do not make any fixed date for a funeral or cremation before you have been in touch to make sure the clergy are free to take the service. Normally the funeral director will be the person who can make all these arrangements on your behalf.
Some people also want to talk in advance about their own funeral service or want to talk honestly about hope for the future after death. Please do get in touch with the Vicar if you’d like to have such a conversation. We’d be very glad to help.
Please contact the Parish Office on 020 8570 2288 for further advice.