Baptism is the religious rite of sprinkling water on a person’s forehead, or by fully immersing them in water; symbolising purification and admission to the Christian church.
Infant Baptism
At St Leonard’s, we will be glad to welcome you and your child for baptism, whether or not you are new to the church, or have been regularly attending for a while. We normally have baptisms about once a month which happens on a Sunday during the main Parish Mass. This is so that the newly baptised and their family can be fully welcomed into the family of God here in Heston. If you are interested in booking a baptism, please contact the Vicar, who will be glad to make an arrangement to meet to talk with you. Give them a call or better still come along to a church on a Sunday and speak to them after the service.
We are thrilled that you are thinking about baptism for your child. As a parent, we understand you will want the best for your Child in every possible way; physically, emotionally and also spiritually.
Infant Baptism (Christening) is an important step of your child’s spiritual journey of faith. It is the rite by which a person joins the Christian family, the Church. As parents or carers, you are deciding to lead your child on this journey. Your role as parents or carers, therefore, is to encourage your child’s spiritual growth, teaching them to pray, read and understand the bible and to practice the Christian faith. During the service, you promise to fulfil this role and seek out the Church’s support as you begin this lifelong commitment.
We recognise that as an infant your child is not yet old enough to make a personal commitment to God. However, the Church receives them for baptism on the understanding that they will receive a Christian upbringing both at home and within the wider family of the Church, as you bring your child with you as a regular member of the local Church. Here at St. Leonard’s we are delighted that you are thinking about making your child part of our Church family.
Choosing Godparents
The role of a Godparent is an important and responsible one. During the service, parents and Godparents make the same promises to pray and support the child and to bring up the child in the Christian faith. Godparents can be family or friends. However, it is important that you choose people who will take an active interest in your child’s spiritual welfare and who will pray for you and your child. You should aim to choose three godparents, two of the same gender as the child, and one of the opposite gender. Legally they must have been baptised themselves.
Congratulations! You’ve been asked to be a Godparent. Not only it is an honour, it is also a very important role which we hope you will endeavour to fulfil not only on the day of the Baptism but in the years to come.
As a Godparent, you have a very special role. Your task is to help your Godchild to come to know God, encouraging them in both their personal and spiritual lives. It’s a role that will develop over time, as your Godchild grows up and develops their own faith. At the child’s baptism, you will make promises to help to bring them up in the Christian faith. As these promises are very serious and are made publicly and in God’s presence, being a Godparent is a good opportunity to think about your own faith.
Godparents must have been baptised themselves, and it’s best if you are also confirmed. Baptism or confirmation preparation can help you with your own questions about the Christian faith. It will also help you to support your godchild in developing their own faith. If you have any questions at all, why not speak to our vicar, if not your own parish priest.
Adult Baptism
Adults who have not been baptised are prepared for both Baptism and Confirmation, please see our vicar for more details and information about preparation for Confirmation.